A Mission Moment

“Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.”– A. Cohen

John O’Leary discusses working two summers on a farm.  It was hard work but also created many opportunities to learn and grow.  That is when he talks about the Honey Wagon.

What is a honey-wagon?

A man named Wayne pulled it behind his tractor to our farm. He’d collected manure from local hog farms and loaded it into a van-sized container called the ‘honey-wagon.’ Wayne then added water to liquefy the compound. He’d then pull the concoction behind his tractor, spreading the nutrient-rich and stank-smelling mixture across the fields.

It reeked for days on end and for miles around, but that fertilizer ensured that the soil would be ripe with nutrients, the crops would grow and the harvest would produce bountiful yields.

My friends, what does any of this have to do with your business, relationships, life?

It’s simple: the “worst” stuff was used as a foundation to ensure the best stuff could grow; what most viewed as only rancid waste was used as rich fertilizer.

This is true not only on a farm, but also in life.

Upon reflection, the experiences that stink the most to get through, are frequently the same experiences that ignite growth in character, strength in faith, and perspective in life.

Adverse times birth resilience and grit, demand a change in attitude, and call upon us to do more than we thought possible.

Growth frequently hurts, but the “stinky” challenges of today, are fuel to produce the mighty harvests of tomorrow.

Today, as you wade through a field of challenges, remember the power of the honey-wagon.


Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a time to remember our fathers with love and forgiveness, in example of our own heavenly Father, as He loves and forgives us.

The third Sunday in June is observed each year in the United States as Father’s Day. The origins of this national event are not clear. Some records suggest that it was first celebrated as a church service some 100 years ago in Fairmont, West Virginia, at Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, now known as Central United Methodist Church.

True or not, the impulse to honor our fathers is a worthy one based on the biblical admonition, “…to honor our fathers and mothers.”

I was fortunate to be loved and encouraged by my father along life’s path. Dad was a faithful Catholic who taught me to love God with all my body, mind, and soul and love my neighbor as myself. He, with my mom, was my first teacher. He loved life; Nature was God’s handiwork, a Sunrise, Sunset and Rainbows were all God’s gift of Hope to me, to us.

When I chose my husband, it was these characteristics I wanted in the father of my children. I am grateful to God for having received them in my faithful husband and best friend of 48 years, John.

Today, I ask you to stop and reflect on that father or ‘Father’ figure and in some cases figures, which encouraged you along life’s path. They may not have been perfect, as only our heavenly Father is perfect. Pray to let go of any negative thoughts. Pray to forgive, and then pray to love more deeply, as our Father, God forgives us.

May you enjoy this Father’s Day Sunday with your Dad and those men we have chosen to be father to your children and with all who are near and dear to your heart.

For our Caregivers, we at Martha’s Hands are grateful for the times you act as Father and Mother to our clients and families, nurturing them as they walk the difficult path of illness and letting go of this life. You help them to walk into the hands of our eternal Father with grace and dignity by your caring hands. May God bless you and your families. Amen


With Love, Eileen And John, Dennis and Mary, Denise and Andrew And your Martha’s Hands Team

A Message from our Nurse Founder

Dear Martha’s Hands Team,

This post may be a few days late, however it is never too late to recognize the importance of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a day we honor all those men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice of their lives so we may have our freedoms.

From America’s earliest beginnings, our fore fathers sought to allow each person their freedoms. Freedom of Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness…and the expression of these God given gifts. They fought & died to defend these freedoms. They sought to allow each person the ability to express the belief in their God. We have many freedoms, the freedom to defend ourselves , to be a republic, to vote so as to determine our future, the freedom to seek our own happiness as long as we do not interfere with another’s freedom, and to seek our God as we understand Him….or not.

Our fore Fathers composed America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights with the intention of protection of these rights. May we be ever grateful and keep them intact for us and our children’s future. May we work to be a light for others.

May we work on loving each other as brothers and sisters, loved by our God, so we may have peace and contentment in our world, thus turning our weapons to plow tools. May we seek God’ will for our country, America.

We ask for God’s love and mercy. And May we continue to be worthy, as we pray, God bless America.

May you all enjoy the Memorial Day Holiday and remember those who have given that ultimate sacrifice in the service of America to give us the free-doms we so enjoy. May they rest in God’s healing love and peace.

With Love, Eileen John, Dennis & Mary, Denise & Andrew


A Celebration of Nurses

Happy Nurses Week—2016 Thank You for All You Do!

Dear Nurses and Caregivers,

‘National Nurses Week’ begins every year on May 6th, ending on May 12th, Florence Nightingale’s birthday. Martha’s Hands will celebrate our nurses beginning the week of Monday, May 9th through Friday, May 12th

Have you ever wondered who and how this vocation we call Nursing began?

What impacted you to become a Nurse?

Do you see it as a calling or a vocation?

How do you see yourself as part of the Nursing History?

The word ‘Nurse’ originally came from the Latin word ‘nutrire’, meaning to suckle, referring to a ‘wet nurse’, who is a recently pregnant woman, hired to help provide milk nourishment for an in-fant. In the late 16th century it attained its modern meaning of caring for the infirmed.

From the earliest times of history, in most cultures, we can find references to those who cared for others. Mother’s and Father’s cared for their spouses, children, ‘families’ and tribes, and members of their households including their slaves.

Many experiences were based on a religious and service principles.  In Scripture there are many references and commands to care for others. For example, The Story of the Good Samaritan, The Beatitudes of Jesus Christ, Revelation’s scene of the Final Judgment,  “When you cared for the sick, fed the hungry, cared for the poor, you did it for Me.” The Judeo-Christendom, Indian, Muslims and other ancient peoples generated a stream of dedicated nurses from their earliest days.

The development of Western Civilization included the Church teachings and values of caring for others, out of love of our God. In Europe before the foundation of modern nursing, Catholic orders of nuns and priests, Deaconesses and the military often provided nursing-like services which would set the example for other religious and secular groups going forward.

In the Acts of the Apostles, it speaks of Paul sending a nurse ‘Phoebe’ out to serve as a nurse, our first document Home Care Visit.

Paul also spoke of being shipped wrecked on Malta and the natives binding his wounds, caring for him and sending him on their way to Rome to preach the Good News.

During the Crimean War, a Christian woman named Florence Nightingale, a nurse, began documenting and developing the orders that would develop into the modern nursing profession. The Nursing profession would continue to develop and would take until the 20th Century to become what it is today.

At Martha’s Hands, we see it as a vocation, a call by our God, to care deeply with compassion and love for another. It became our mission of love through service. And it became our mot-to: “We serve with our Hands, love with our Hearts, and seek the face of God in those we serve”.

And so, may we at ‘Martha’s Hands’ truly salute You All… as you continue to dedicate yourselves to those principles of loving God by serving others. We are extremely grateful ! Continued Blessings,

Eileen & John, Dennis & Mary, Andrew & Denise

A Message from our Nurse Founder

Every Month our Nurse Founder sends out her thoughts and inspirations for Caregivers and our office team. This newsletter published bi-monthly

Dear Martha’s Hands Team,

The Season of Spring bring new beginnings: new seeds to be planted, beds to be tilled, weeds to be rooted out for proper growth in our gardens, ourselves. We can all take encouragement when we look around and see the beautiful new colorful buds on the trees.

We then know this is how our Creator meant us to be. We should be constantly growing, sending off new shoots of growth. We must trust our Creator to trim and prune us as He means us to be.

Sometimes we have a branch to mend that’s been hurt or damaged. We have to ask our Creator for help in trimming and healing this wound. We may need to ask someone who has wounded us for reconciliation or maybe we need to ask someone we have hurt, to for-give us. We have to trim off the ‘leaves’ of pettiness and anger , leave them on the ground and walk away. It will feel great… I believe this feeling is one of love. Our God reminds us often to love and forgive. As our God is constantly loving and forgiving us.

So during this Season of new growth, take the time to heal and mend and grow in loving ways by forgiving each other. ‘Trust God’s healing balm will soothe each crack in our bark’, so we may heal and grow into all He calls us to be. As He nurtures & continues to care for us all until He calls us home to His Beautiful Garden where a Banquet is being pre-pared in our honor with Him, our loving Creator.

May each of you and your family have a blessed Spring Season.

We especially thank you for all the ways you help your clients and their families heal and grow.

With Love, Eileen, Andrew, Denise, and John


Spring Forward with March fun

While Spring comes in officially March 20th, we are feeling its warmth and new life effects now. The trees are starting to bloom and last weekend, we sprung forward our clocks. With Spring and the new light changes, you may notice a change in your ability to sleep, you may be getting up a little earlier. You may also notice a change in your moods. These changes also have an impact on our clients especially those who have memory impairment. At this time, it is important to be sensitive to the needs of the elderly and the young as well as your own needs. Take the time to get the rest you need while you adjust to the time change. It is refreshing to come home from a long day and know you still have an extra hour of light to enjoy the day. Enjoy this time of year.

Also as we spring forward, we also jump into a jig with St. Patrick’s Day. It is a special time of year for me as we celebrate my heritage with some Irish festivities. Wearing green with pride, our family attends the Irish parades and indulges in the corned beef and cabbage. Some Irish history about the celebration of St Patrick: St Patrick was a young Roman who was enslaved and taken to Ireland for many years. He escaped but returned to the isle to teach them about the Triune God whom he loved. He taught the mystery of the Trinity with the three-leaf clover which covered the emerald isle… Thus the Shamrock being the symbol of this special feast day. So wear your green with pride! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

St Patrick wrote a great prayer called the Breastplate Prayer of St Patrick.

“…I rise today by the grace of the Spirit. Christ be with me, Christ above me, Christ on my right and Christ on my left, Christ in those that think of me…” Search it and enjoy.

Irish and Spring Blessings to you all.

Martha’s Hands Founder

Happy St Valentine’s Day to you and your

Happy St Valentine’s Day to you and your family. May you feel the love …, ‘ Love one another for God is love’ 

Moving into February, we want to Salute Two Great Presidents of America, President George Washington & President Abraham Lincoln.
Their leadership at critical times in our history encouraged us in our love for freedom and justice. In the case of President Washington, it led to the founding of America while acknowledging our Creator as having given us rights in the gifts of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to be shared among our nation.
During the War between the States, it was President Lincoln, who was courageous to stand up to demand equal rights for all our people.
Leadership demanded each of them to have and use tremendous virtues, always acknowledging from whom all their gifts came….their Lord, God, Creator.
May we always emulate them in our lives and be grateful in asking for God to bless America.
Bible Quote: Every good and perfect gift is from above. James 1:17

“Life’s most persistent and urgent que

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is… What are you doing for others?” MLK
This is the question that defines us, that gives us drive, that fulfills the question our God will ask us on the Great Judgement Day. How will you answer?
“The true neighbor, Dr King states, will risk is position, his prestige, even his life for the welfare of others.” This statement exemplified the life & legacy of Dr Martin Luther King JR. He dreamed of a world where brothers and sisters of our Creator were held as equal. He knew it was possible and worked hard to bring about major changes in the Civil Rights of our country in the 50s & 60’s. I saw him stand and lead when others were insure. He became the strong voice of my youth that spoke out for others. That gave me a sense of moral compass. As a young nurse, I was part of a health service team that broke a racial line asking me to not serve at an event where he was speaking. Thankfully, that day was peaceful as he encouraged the people of St Louis in peace.
In many ways, When you caregivers have to speak up for the sick, to be a health advocate for them to their families and communities, You are that person who has concern for others.
We at Martha’s Hands are proud of you and ask God to continue to bless your work.
May our Creator grant you His love and mercy.
Eileen McCaffrey Hedrick RN. BSHA
And the Martha’s Hands Team

Happy Independence Day!

Did you know, we are the only country in history dedicated to a creed? We were founded on the – creed of loving God above all and loving our neighbor as ourselves. Our Religious Liberties are held as sacred and thereby stated in the Declaration of Independence by 13 States, in Congress,  July 4th, 1776.

The colonies declared themselves independent from Great Britain & from under the dictatorship of King George. They stated that these truths are self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness… They appeal to the Supreme God of the world.

It our duty to celebrate our Independence by becoming knowledgeable on this declaration as well as the our Constitution and amendments. And when uninformed people say there is no God in charge in the United States you can state the truth. Our God is the Supreme Being !

May God continue to bless America and may we strive to be worthy and grateful for these blessings.

May we praise God with our lives !!

God’s blessings to you and your families.

Andrew & Denise, Dennis & Mary, & John and Eileen

And the Martha’s Hands Staff

The following are some memories in tribute to our Father’s

The following are some memories in tribute to our Nurse Founders Dad.
Hugh McCaffrey was born into an Irish Catholic family, son of a nurse and Steamboat Captain in Dubuque, IA. He met and married my mother who served him donuts after mass while serving in the Coast Guard during WWII. They then moved to New York for a career in radio or so he thought. Dad was blessed with Irish charm and good looks of dark curly hair & blue eyes, he was immediately asked if he’d consider modeling. He became one of the top US models from 1944-1958, including being a model for Norman Rockwell for his 1945 picture, ’ Home Coming’.
Dad was also blessed with many gifts, love of God, leadership, Eagle Scout, artist, athlete, and love of my mom and our family. He taught my 2 brothers and sister and I how to dance while standing on his feet. He and mom taught us many things including how to sing, swim, dance, play softball, tennis and laugh with others and ourselves. He was not a great organizer so we watched him succeed and fail at setting up businesses. Thank God for mom thus his successes outweighed the tough lessons. What I know is, he taught us to love God, family, community, and nation.
My Dad had a quick Irish temper and, thankfully, he also had the gift of forgiveness. I remember my sister and I guiding my parents in the weeks before my father’s death to go over their lives together, remembering the good times and the mistakes of poor choices and then asking each other for forgiveness both from God but especially the forgiveness of each other. Many tears were shed during those sessions. It is a great exercise of the mind and heart. It was a beautiful gift they gave us, Forgiveness and love.
These are some of the lessons of life which sustain me for my journey ahead. I ask you with your loved ones to take the time to sit and reminisce, looking at the good times and those not so good. They helped shape you.